Szűcs Erzsébet:

Since I was a child, every time I saw someone walking with a stick or sitting in a wheelchair I questioned myself: what happened to him? What can I do to help?

I have completed my degree in 1988 at the Bárczi Gusztáv College for Special Needs Education from somatopedagogy and pedagogy for disabled learners. Until 2013 I worked at an integrated kindergarden where I performed the complex injury-specific development of disabled children. In addition, based on a request I have started to teach in practice classes for part time and full time students, which I also do currently. Since September 2013, I also attend to school-age disabled children.

I have been doing aerobic very frequently and have completed a training course for aerobic instructors at the training institute of Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (TFTI) and shortly after I have also completed a course as personal trainer (IFFA). In addition to aerobic classes (step, strength training, spinal gymnastics, pilates, body balance) I also did personal training. I have always been approached by clients who had some sort of locomotive disfunction. So their training was always balance between physiotherapy and regular training.

I find sports to be very important. I usually work out on every day of the week. I am very happy to hear when my patients and clients talk about how they miss sports and movement when they can’t attend one of my classes.

Here at the DoctorFit Spinal Clinic I would like to use the Kaatsu program and my knowledge to improve the quality of movement for my patients. My goal is to make people love sports and being active. Regardless of any locomotive disfunctions, if personalised, everybody can find their own efficient way of being active.


  • BGGYTF gyógypedagógus / Special needs teacher (1998)
  • Semmelweis Egyetem Testnevelés és Sporttudományi Kar Továbbképző Intézet (TFTI) aerobik oktató / aerobic instructor
  • Personal trainer (IFAA)
  • Pilates instructor (IWI)
  • Professional examination instructor (ELTE BGGYFK)
  • Body Balls basic training
  • Body balance (Les Mills)
  • Modern scoliosis therapy
  • FMS I-II.
  • Kaatsu specialist

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